We buy antique instruments of exceptional quality:

We are always looking for fine quality instruments and bows for our clients (please, no introductory student instruments) and are glad to examine your instruments at any time. We offer generous prices and are pleased to report we have helped many musicians find new homes for instruments and bows they no longer wish to own.

There are two ways we purchase instruments- outright purchases and consignments.

Outright purchases have the benefit of immediate payment once we agree on a price.

If you choose to leave an instrument with us on consignment, after it sells, you will receive the agreed upon payment and we receive a percentage of the sale price.

Generally speaking, you will receive more by consigning an instrument, but you must wait for the instrument to sell to be paid.  There is no way of predicting how quickly an instrument will sell, or even if it will sell at all.

Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions: 213-471-2124.  If you are considering selling some items we are happy to see them without obligation or cost.

Please remember that, as always, we cannot give any opinion about an instrument until we can examine it in person.


Recommendations to find out the value of the instrument(s):

1. Please take good pictures of your violin (front and back).

2. Email them to our shop: info@laviolinshop.com, or text directly to phone number 213-268-3560.

3. We will let you know whether it is worthy to sell, and/or if we are interested in immediately purchasing. 

4. We don’t buy student instruments.

Consignment Policy

Regular consignment instrument fee will be 30% of each instrument, However, it is always negotiable for fine and rare instrument consignments. Any certificate sold with an instrument must also be returned to receive full trade-in value; otherwise, the cost of replacing the certificate will be deducted.


Have you found an Antonio Stradivari Fecit 17xx violin made in Germany?

Unfortunately, it is probably not a genuine Stradivari. We have been receiving many calls from clients who believe they’ve found a Stradivari violin in their attic. Most Stradivari violins are already documented and played on by world famous violinists. Please be advised by violin makers and dealers.